Summit by Scott Addis

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10 Daily Habits to Incorporate in 2015

"Stop Bad Habits Shows Unhealthy Prohibit And Wellbeing" by Stuart MilesTo achieve greater success and personal satisfaction in 2015, try incorporating some of the following habits into your daily life:

  1. Plan ahead. Set aside time to think about and plan your week and priorities.
  2. Set clear, actionable goals for your day, week, year, and 3 to 5 years into the future.
  3. Visualize success. Find a quiet place to sit down and visualize.  Imagine how it will feel to achieve a specific goal.  Let yourself “see” the steps you’re taking to achieve success.
  4. Embrace challenges. Challenges give you the opportunity to apply yourself, learn something new, and connect to a bigger picture.
  5. Be persistent. When you work hard and persist, you will gain enhanced confidence in your abilities.
  6. Get eight hours of sleep. Make sure you sleep sufficiently to wake up refreshed and energized each morning.
  7. Exercise daily. Exercise is great for your heart and fitness.  And it pumps oxygen into your brain, improving your overall well-being, happiness, and ability to achieve results.
  8. Read daily. Reading is exercise for your mind – it sharpens your mental facilities and broadens your perspectives.
  9. Treat people with dignity and respect. When you are kind to a stranger, you’ll find that it has a boomerang effect and will make your day brighter.
  10. Don’t hold onto grudges. When you let go of grudges, you free your mind to think positive thoughts.  And you’ll have more energy and time to focus on success indicators.

After you’ve tried these 10 daily habits, repeat the ones that work for you and make them part of your daily routine!

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”

Five Steps for Building Better Teamwork and Trust

"Team Members Fixing Puzzle " by renjith krishnanAt Beyond Insurance, we use the end of the year as a springboard to refocus and prepare for new challenges and opportunities.

But what about you and your team?  Are you focused and energized about the future?  Even more importantly, are you functioning like a united team?

In the book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick M. Lencionia says, “Teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely untapped.”  The book states that every team must master certain attributes for a competitive advantage, but the foundational attribute is trust: (more…)

The 6 Facets of Commitment

"Hand Pointing Business Graph" by twobeeThe word commit comes from the Latin word committere, which means to connect, entrust.

Commitment to your goals is one of your most important rules for success. When you set expectations but have no commitment, you fail to deliver what you promised.  Without commitment, you run the risk of developing the bad habits of procrastination, laziness, making excuses and rationalization.  (more…)

3 Foundational Questions for Maximizing Performance and Loving What You Do

"I Love My Job" by bplanetThere’s an interesting truism in life:

If you love what you do, you maximize your opportunity to achieve peak performance.  And by achieving  peak performance, you invariably love what you do! (more…)

7 Steps to Creating a More Memorable Presence

"Businessmen Talking" by Master isolated imagesHave you ever just met someone, talked to them for a few minutes, then had to ask, “What’s your name again?”  Or have you been in a conversation where you could tell the other person was distracted and you knew you didn’t have their undivided attention?

How did this make you feel?  Annoyed?  That the other person was rude?  Did you want to continue talking to them or doing business with them?  Probably not. (more…)

Always On? Create More Balance in Your Life with 6 Easy Tips

"Business Man Run From The Clocks" by 1shotsDo you feel pressured to be “always-on”?

More and more people feel the stress from all the different roles we play… as workers, business owners, parents, spouses, friends, caregivers, volunteers, even pet owners.  With all these competing priorities, something has to give!  Almost always, it’s your time.

Ask yourself the following questions to see how balanced your work/life is: (more…)

Your Leap To Greatness

jumpAt the age of 12, I vividly remember the drama and excitement of the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.  The Games were preceded by the Tlatelolco Massacre, in which hundreds of students were killed by security forces in Mexico City just 10 days before the Olympics.  It was also marked by the first time athletes from East and West Germany were members of separate teams.  The Games of the XIX Olympiad will also be remembered for the raised black gloved fists of Tommie Smith and John Carlos as a symbol of “Black Power”.  (more…)

Your Path To Trusted Advisor Status

AdvisorEach and every day, it is your mission to implement actions and strategies to obtain Trusted Advisor Status.  Let’s dissect the words Trust…Advisor…Status.

TRUST represents reliance on your integrity, strength and ability.  It is the confident expectation of the product and services you (more…)

How Full Is Your Bucket?

People helping each otherWhether you realize it or not, you have an invisible bucket.  According to the New York Times’ bestseller How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Don Clifton:

“It is constantly being emptied or filled, depending on what another person says or does to you.  When your bucket is full, you feel great.  When it is empty, you feel awful.”

Rath and Clifton continue to mention in their book: (more…)

Your Adversity Quotient

 "Possible Impossible Buttons Shows Possibility" by Stuart MilesHow well do you handle adversity?  Do you brush it aside?  Or, does adversity impact your self-image and confidence?

In an age when we face an average of 23 adversities a day, most of us are ill-equipped to manage, let alone thrive, amid such unprecedented demands.  Paul Stoltz, Ph.D., the originator of the Adversity Quotient (AQ) and PEAK Learning (, is the foremost expert on human resilience, the ability to endure attacks yet progress to the next level of success.  In his book, Adversity Quotient at Work, Paul teaches us that we are hard wired to respond to all forms and magnitudes of adversity, from major tragedies to minor annoyances.   (more…)